Tuesday, March 18, 2008

one day closer to the rest of my life...

no not a spa day full of pampering, but of food prepping and learning new presentation styles.

today was the second full day of no gum. it was difficult after my morning cup of coffee, but as soon as i got my mind off of it and on to MORE important things...it was fine.

i read this morning in The Beautiful Fight about mindfulness in Christ (as i was eating breakfast and drying my hair)...who says you can't multi task? the book makes some great points about our habits of listening, but not really listening. thinking, but not really thinking.

i challenged myself today---to try to see past the complaining and other typical habits of humans, and see the person (talking) the way Jesus sees him/her. there were many people (at the spa) that i encountered that were worrying and suffering from worldliness (weight issues, self-motivation issues, poor self-esteem...the list goes on and on). but at the end of the day, i came home...singing as loud as i could in the honda...relieving myself from all the cares of the long day. thank you LORD for giving me eyes to see, ears to hear, and a mind (oh such a complex thing) that can think. please allow these senses to work in unison, as i make big choices in my life soon...

i love realization.

it's a splendid time in life where God is closest.

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