Monday, July 21, 2008

apple cider vinegar

i knew it was good for something.

any of you with soap scum out there. grab a bottle of distilled white vinegar or better cider vinegar (if that'a all you can find) and go to work on your soap scummed dishes or sinks or bathtubs. i (secretly) got the tip from martha...when i was in desperation to clean some "soapified" dishes that aren't mine.

my head was rushing with thoughts, so i got out baking soda. knowing that it does a lot for cleaning just made the dishes more cloudy. so then i was really in a pickle.

PICKLE! i looked online at what would remove scum. i had to find an acid like vinegar or lemon juice. i looked frantically in the pantry to find apple cider vinegar. it did the trick. in one minute my dilemma was solved.

greatness indeed.

thanks- target. your raw product worked.

now off to solve more problems...i'll run.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

polos and ab balls

so i am convinced.

polos are for boys. no matter what the fit "women" or "men"- polos look so silly on me. grr. the good thing: i have a uniform and get to spend the "clothes money" on cute things. the bad thing: i look like a boy on most days.

ab balls: the greatest invention chairs.

i have a giant ab ball that i sit on when i am in the office. classic bouncing all day long.

greatness indeed. just a note to vent the things in my life that are keeping me going.

Monday, July 14, 2008

that's ridiculous

the last time i wrote was in april! oh my. well a lot has happened since then.

1. i graduated.
2. i moved out of rogers.
3. i've been house sitting since june 1.
4. i got a job at lmra.
5. i went to co springs with the grahams.

1. i am content, for once, with the small special k pro bar that i just ate. they usually create a horrible aftertaste.
2. i am loving my job and the thought of future projects.
3. i am refusing to chew gum. a habit that i am trying to diminish.

1. i am eating dinner with josh and the family tonight.
2. i am happy that sarah is almost through with summer school.
3. i am now an acsm member and will get certified to personal train in november.
4. i am moving at the end of this month into a precious 2br/bath house.

You are marvelous and work so many wonders. I am thankful and grateful for the mercies you have shown me. Thank you for your gracefulness and loving heart. I thank you for blessing me and providing ideas, thoughts, knowledge, and skills to help those around me each and every day. I enjoy your loving kindness each and every day.

let the love of the Lord shower down on you today. whether or not the beginning of the day wa "good"- make the rest of your day the best.