Sarah is the greatest! One of many pics that we shot the other night when we were bored. I can't believe she goes home in one week. It's been great spending so much time with her. We truly are inseperable. Well...except when she lets a stinky and then I am definitely separating from her! Haha. Love you Sar Bear.
I am bridging a gap that once was scary. A crack and I might fall through, but I haven't and won't. There is a Savior that bridges that gap better than anything/anyone else in the world.
I have hope that Jesus is showing me more than what I even realize. This season and break can reveal to me whatever I need to know. I am just a sponge- waiting to soak up good wisdom and thought.
For now, my chin is up and the crisp morning runs are exhilerating.
One of my favorite pictures this Christmas. This is Baby Will and his mommy, Shanda. I took this at the Christmas party. He was a real trooper to stay up for the whole party. A doll face, truly.
Christmas time is meant to be with friends and family. This holiday season has began as a great one. Here is a pic of Jamie and I at our college Christmas party at church. Tis the season to be happy and joyful. This Christmas, I asked for peace. A peace that I have never known before. I pray that God may give you peace as well. His Word says, that if we ask anything in His name, we shall receive. My family and friends have laughed at my wish this year. Mocking me like the models on Miss Congeniality "World Peace" and such, but this year I am happy to say that peace will come when I seek it with all my heart.
Things change. So fast. A blur. Where am I going? What am I doing right, what am I doing wrong?
Shifting gears at full speed can be thrilling and dangerous at the same time.
I know I didn't do everything right. Timing and words aren't always my thing. I act quickly. Too quickly, I don't know? I went with my heart this time. Those words "I don't know"-the stinger. Ouch. Sorry.
For now, I pray. That's all I can do. Pray that my heart made the correct choice. I've never just stepped off the clif without checking for someone at the bottom, but this time, I don't need to see that GOD is there. Test him and he will prove it. Test him twice and then a third time and his calling is clearer.
Thank you Lord for not letting me control my heart when youhave a different direction for me. I don't know where I am heading, but I trust that you do. I made a blind choice- but to you the view is different. Very different.
I love making people happy. I enjoy being the presence of people who laugh and love to enjoy life. Not arrogant styles or those who try to make you laugh, but genuine laughs. I am so happy right now.
Finals begin in just a few days, but I have no fear that things will go well and that I will be pleased. God is such an amazing person. He's God. I am going on a mission trip one week from today and I am thrilled. Inner-city missions. I've done only one other trip of its kind, so I am excited to see what's around the corner.
Happy things about today: 1. I met an exec chef that I will be working for in the spring. 2. The partay was a blast. 3. Rach's race is in 3 days. 4. My room is clean. 5. I ran 9.3 miles this am with Maddie. I felt so successful. 6. I get to see Sarah in a couple of weeks. 7. My boyfriend is sweet. 8. My mom surprised me at my Christmas party tonight. :)
Soon, the days will change. I will have different goals and new sights in mind. For now, I need to study... I'll go now because my coffee is slowly starting to wear off.
Lord, give Rachel the strength she needs to run the race of her life. Give my friends the patience and diligence to work, the sleep to manage their work, and the brain juice to make it through finals week. I am asking this with all my heart. Love you Lord. Amen.
coffee. sunrises. smiles. being happy with what i have. i enjoy mere conversation- not about people, but ideas, thoughts, dreams, passions, and the Lord.
i despise the feeling of being angry at others.
i forgive & find it a gift that i have gotten this far in life.