Saturday, August 18, 2007

Caesar salad, a special boy, & yellowness

Chicken caesar salad made with Josh's chicken.

The ride to Cabela's to sale the 4-wheeler.

Sar Bear at an antique store. She loves yellow!

A long awaited post. I have missed posting for the past couple of days because of spending time with friends and family and...because my silly wireless has chosen to not connect. grr. But all is well now, and I am up and running.

My run today was great. As I ran to the Rec to run inside, I saw tons of parents with the new fishies. It was a flashback to what I did three years ago. Man! How time flies!!! I have this anxious feeling about school starting, but am truly excited about seeing all of the CP girls and hearing about the summers and getting back in the mode of learning and practicing the wonderful world of NUTRITION. I haven't read much in the past couple of days, but I have had some great convos with friends and such. It is amazing how God can move through conversations with people when you let Him. (Hint: Let Him.) You never know what will happen.

As I sit here typing, I smell Miss Madeline's perfume on me. She borrowed my phone this afternoon and now I smell like her sweetness. :) Hehe.

I am awaiting the arrival of my other roomie from East Texas tomorrow. Then the house will be at full capacity and we get to share our latest summer memories together over dinner. Yippee.

Captivating thought of the day: I remember so clearly the days in elementary, middle, and high school. Going to school on the first day with new clothes that I had been saving for a week or so just to show off the first day. Always the pictures before school and the tummy butterflies that entered the moment after I ate my breakfast. Ahhh. Those moments will never leave.

5 Happy Thoughts For Today:

1. I got my first B & N discount at the bookstore! woohoo.

2. My internet finally works.

3. I had a lovely evening with the Grahams last night. I even got to outline 16 kiddos' coloring sheets for Ms. Laura's class.

4. My Sar Bear leaves for Big School in 6 days.

5. I got to spend the am with Maddie's sister, Becca. :) sweet girl.

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