Thursday, August 9, 2007

Captivating Titles

Oh my goodness. So I discovered another interest of mine as I traveled through B&N today. It is so much fun to walk down the aisles and read book titles. Titles of anything are fun, but especially books. Sometimes they make me just want to curl up in the aisle and draw in my sketchbook. It is so stimulating....:) Me and inspiration. I guess that I am a weirdo. I want to go back now and just think of the first things that come to mnd as I glance down the aisles. hehe fun.

5 Happy Things About Today:
1. I worked for the first time at B&N. Not anything special, but I got to log my hours for training. Woohoo.

2. I met several new people at the store. Another goal of mine for the fall. ***NOTICE- I must meet at least one new person each day. If I don't meet this requirement, I must meet at least 5 in one week. I will record this and give my first impressions of them. It's always fun to look back at these kinds of things.

3. I get to go home for the weekend. I love home.

4. I found a wonderful artist/author/creative genuis on flickr. I bought one of her books last summer, but now I see her work on flickr too. Keri Smith is a very talented girl. Check out her website and see some of the fun, creative things she thinks of.

5. I ran at sunrise today! Running the last stretch down the Berry/Belaire hill towards the east. The wind and sun were directly ahead of me and it was glorious! Thank you Lord, for memories like this one.

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